We seek donations to help restore & maintain the cemetery grounds, caretaker house, & historic monuments. We are very limited in funds and equipment.
General Donations
Thank you for donating to our volunteer-run cemetery! This donation will contribute to the general upkeep of cemetery grounds! To Donate, please send your check to the Harsimus Cemetery, 435 Newark Avenue, JC, 07302. Thanks For Your Support!
Sponsor A Beehive
Our honey bees help pollinate green spaces in Jersey City for up to three miles outside of our cemetery! However, the cost of raising bees in the most environmentally friendly way is high! Help us support the environment by sponsoring a hive. Contact us if you are interested!
Sponsor A Goat
Equipment Donations
lawn mowers
weed whackers
weel barrels
snow blowers
work gloves
trash bags
bottled water
grass seed
For donation, please contact us to see when you can help out! We appreciate your contributions!